Grup ini katanya beranggotakan cowok bergolongan darah AB, masa sih? menurut faktanya sih nggak semuanya kok bergolongan darah AB, ada Choi Jonghun dan Jang Geun Seok yang nyatanya bergolongan darah A. Nih kenalan yuk dengan para member chocoball^^
Kim Heechul
Nama panggilan: Cinderella (신데렐라

Real Name: Kim Hee Chul
Korea Nama: 김희철 (Gim Huicheol, Kim Heechel)
Cina Nama: 金希 澈 (Gam Xi Che)
Profesi: Actor, Singer, Model, DJ, MC
Agama: atheis / agnostik (Rellagyo)
Birthdate: 1983/07/10
Tempat lahir: Hoengseong County, Kangwondo (강원도 횡성군 ; dibesarkan di Wonju, Kangwondo (강원도 원주 di mana orang tuanya masih berada
Star Sign: Cancer
Horoskop Cina: Babi & Air
Tinggi: 179 cm / 5 ’10.5 “di (dinyatakan dalam 100Q/100A dari 26 Agustus 2007 bahwa sebenarnya tinggi 178 cm / 5′ 10,1″)
Berat: 60 kg/132 lb (sekarang sedikit lebih … lol)
Darah: AB
Warna favorit: Pink, merah, hitam
Pet: seekor kucing bernama HanJaeHeeBum (Hangeng, Jay, Heechul, Kibum / Russian Blue Cat sejak 11/11/06), kucing bernama Champagne (sekarang adalah dengan tetangga / siam Cat 7/26/08), yang digunakan untuk memiliki Yamchae (Rusia Blue kucing yang diberikan kepadanya oleh penggemar dari 7/13/05 ke 11/3/05), tetapi dia melarikan diri sementara Heechul sedang pergi selama beberapa hari membuat film.
Saudara: Older lain “Kim Heejin” (1982)
Trivia: Ia menerima gelar sarjana di Sangji Yongseo College di 2008 (Analisis Data Komputer Mayor)
- Myungduk Preschool.
- Shinwoo SD.
- Jinkwang Middle School.
- Wonjoogongup High School.
- Sangji universitas (Kangwondo).
Hobbies: menulis puisi, menulis cerita, permainan komputer, menggambar.
Buah favorit: jeruk cina
Olahraga favorit: Dia tidak menyukai semua jenis olahraga (tidak suka berkeringat)
Talent: Piano
Casting: Starlight Casting System 2002
Pada tingkah, Heechul mencari internet untuk perusahaan hiburan dan sehingga terjadi bahwa SM sedang mengalami audisi terbuka sehingga dia pergi bersama teman-temannya ke Seoul untuk melihat-lihat / audisi. Menjadi terbiasa dengan daerah itu, dia tersesat dan tidak terjawab audisi terbuka jam. Mereka mengatakan bahwa itu sudah terlambat, tetapi menurut dia, saat melihat wajahnya dan berubah pikiran Dia diizinkan untuk audisi dan dilempar melalui Sistem Casting SM pada bulan Oktober 2002. Dia memulai kariernya sebagai aktor pada tanggal 6 Maret 2005 melalui drama pemuda KBS’s “Banolim 2″ sebagai Baek Jinwoo.
Pertama Penampilan: Februari 2005 KBS “Banolim 2″
Official Debut:
- Sebagai aktor – KBS “Banolim 2 (Sharp 2)” (6 Maret, 2005)
- Sebagai MC – KM “Tampilkan Musik Tank” (29 Juli, 2005)
- Sebagai DJ – SBS radio “Kim Heechul dan Park Heebon’s Youngstreet” (Oktober 2005)
- Sebagai Singer – SBS “Inkigayo” dengan Super Junior (6 November 2005)
- Lotte Pepero (September 2005)
- Oddugi ‘Ramen Bokki’ (Oktober 2005)
- Spris (2006)
- 1677 Kumpulkan Call (2007)
- Sunkist Lemonade (2007)
- NII (2006-2007)
- IVY (2006-2008)
- Yamaha Fino (2008-2009)
- 12 (2009)

Shangchu (MightyMouth)
237 a.k.a. Sangchu
(born January 13, 1982) is member of Korean hip-hop duo Mighty Mouth. He formed the underground crew Black Comedy in 2001.
- Birth name: Lee Sang-chul
- Height: 181 cm
- Weight: 82 kg
- Blood type: AB
Jang Geun Seok
Name : Jang Keun Suk/Jang Geun Suk
Date of Birth: 4th August, 1987
Zodiac/Horoscope: Leo
Height: 182cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: A
Family: Father, Mother (Only Child, no siblings)
Education: KwangJang Middle school, Bangsan High School, New Zealand Nelson College,
Hanyang University Drama (Major in Movie)
School Year: February 2000 – Seoul DongYi Primary school graduate
February 2003 – KwangJang middle school graduate
January 2003 – New Zealand Nelson College enrollment
July 2003 – Bangsan High School First year joins in the middle of course
February 2006 – Hanyang University Enrollment – Drama (major in Movie)
Hobbies: listening to music, snowboarding, skiing, singing, dancing
Treasure: Family, Playstation
Favourite Color: Blue, Ivory White
Specialty: Skiing, Snowboarding
Favourite Food: Spicy food, – GeJang(marinated raw crabs)
Favourite Fruit: Pineapple
Most respected person: Kim Gu Kim Gu profile
Ideal Partner: Honest, Cute, woman with great sense of dressing
What is the first feature that you look in a woman: Eyes
What do you hear most from opposite gender: You are so cute
Favourite possession: Clothes, Accessories
Motto: Nothing is impossible!
Close Celeb Friends: CSJH Stephanie, Isak, MC Mong, Moon Geun Yong, Yoo Ah In, Choi Si Won
Favourite Actor: Ahn Sung-ki
Debut: Sitcom Selling Happiness
First Debut Drama: Women’s World
Geun Suk is multi talented. He has done VJ, MC, Voice dubbed for cartoon, Acting, Modelling.
Geun Suk has done modelling for MCM,Etude, LeSportsac, Motorola,etc.
Geun Suk also plays guitar. He sings, he dance too, even tap dancing
DRAMASDate of Birth: 4th August, 1987
Zodiac/Horoscope: Leo
Height: 182cm
Weight: 63kg
Blood Type: A
Family: Father, Mother (Only Child, no siblings)
Education: KwangJang Middle school, Bangsan High School, New Zealand Nelson College,
Hanyang University Drama (Major in Movie)
School Year: February 2000 – Seoul DongYi Primary school graduate
February 2003 – KwangJang middle school graduate
January 2003 – New Zealand Nelson College enrollment
July 2003 – Bangsan High School First year joins in the middle of course
February 2006 – Hanyang University Enrollment – Drama (major in Movie)
Hobbies: listening to music, snowboarding, skiing, singing, dancing
Treasure: Family, Playstation
Favourite Color: Blue, Ivory White
Specialty: Skiing, Snowboarding
Favourite Food: Spicy food, – GeJang(marinated raw crabs)
Favourite Fruit: Pineapple
Most respected person: Kim Gu Kim Gu profile
Ideal Partner: Honest, Cute, woman with great sense of dressing
What is the first feature that you look in a woman: Eyes
What do you hear most from opposite gender: You are so cute
Favourite possession: Clothes, Accessories
Motto: Nothing is impossible!
Close Celeb Friends: CSJH Stephanie, Isak, MC Mong, Moon Geun Yong, Yoo Ah In, Choi Si Won
Favourite Actor: Ahn Sung-ki
Debut: Sitcom Selling Happiness
First Debut Drama: Women’s World
Geun Suk is multi talented. He has done VJ, MC, Voice dubbed for cartoon, Acting, Modelling.
Geun Suk has done modelling for MCM,Etude, LeSportsac, Motorola,etc.
Geun Suk also plays guitar. He sings, he dance too, even tap dancing
SBS 1998 – Hug
SBS 2001 – Women’s World
MBC 2001 – Four Sisters’ Story
SBS 2002 – The Great Ambition,
SBS 2002 – School
SBS 2002 – Orange
MBC 2003 – Nonstop 4
SBS 2005 – Lovers in Prague, Lovers In Prague Thread
Tooniverse 2006 – Alien Sam,
KBS2 2006 – Hwang Jini,Hwang Jini Thread
Heroine 6
Rainbow Romance
KBS2 2007 – Hong Gil Dong, Hong Gil Dong Thread Hong Gil Dong comic
KBS 2008 – Timeless, (not confirmed)
MBC 3rd Sept 2008 – Beethoven Virus
SBS 2009 – You’re Beautiful
2009 SBS Drama Awards: Teens’ Star Award (Actor) – You’re Beautiful
2009 SBS Drama Awards: Netizens’ Popularity Award – You’re Beautiful
2008 MBC Drama Awards: New Actor Award – Beethoven Virus
2008 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Actor)- Hong Gil Dong
2008 SBS 44th Annual Baeksang Arts Awards – Best New Actor (Movie- The Happy Life)
2006 KBS Performance Awards: Best Couple Award (With co-star Ha Ji Won)
MNet TOP 100 Charming Guys Who are Single
MNet Top 100 Adorable Males (2006): # 29
MNet Top 100 Must Have Males (2007): # 3
2007 KBS Drama Awards: Sung Yuri & Jang Geun Suk best couple actress
2008 KBS Drama Award: Hong Gil Dong – Jang Geun Suk & Sung Yuri best couple actress
2010 Baeksang Awards : Male Popularity Award : Jang Geun Suk (Itaewon Murder Case)
2002 Cartoon – Treasure Planet, (voice for cartoon movie)
2006 One Missed Final Call,
2006 Chakshin Ari Final,
2007 Doremifasolasido, Doremi movie Thread English Subtitles dl linkDoremi Pics Thread
2007 Happy Life, Happy Life thread Happy Life OST(credits Tuchee11)
2007 Going Crazy Waiting, Going Crazy Waiting thread
2008 Baby and Me
2009 Itaewon Murder Case
2001-2004 – SK TING, (with BoA)
2005-2006 – Skool looks,
Coca Cola
Daily Milk
Salim Food
2006 – Chic Choc Biscuits
2006 Shu Uemura
2007 LeSportsac
2007 – ETUDE [CF] etude vitcara cf – making film [CF] etude cf 04 – vitcara 20070806 YTN Star – Go ahra, Jang geunseol New Etude CF Etude wallpapers
Kellogs Cornflakes advertisement
Ottogi Quick Meals advertisement
2008 – BSX Youtube BSX Making commercial BSX Pics
Simon D a.k.a Samdy (Supreme Team)
Member : Simon D (Real Name: Jeong Ki Seok)
Date of birth : Mar. 9, 1984
Place of birth: Busan
Date of birth : Mar. 9, 1984
Place of birth: Busan
The name Supreme Team may sound cocky to some, but it somehow aptly describes these two extremely talented musicians. The duo is comprised of Simon D, a captivating rapper and husky-voiced vocalist, and E-Sens, nicknamed Korea’s Eminem with his witty and biting lyrics. The combination of these two explosive talents has created Supreme Team, which has dominated the underground music scene in Hongdae bars and clubs. Their first album hopes to incorporate not only the manic fans of underground hip hop, but also the general public into their musical world.
Lee Honggi (FT Island)
* Name: 이홍기 / Lee Hong Ki (Lee Hong Gi)
* Profession: Singer and actor
* Birthdate: 1990-Mar-02
* Height: 178cm
* Weight: 60kg
* Blood Type: AB
* Star sign: Pisces
* Family: Younger sister
* Talent agency: F&C Music
TV Series
* You’re Beautiful (SBS, 2009)
* Style (SBS, 2009) cameo on Ep.6
* On Air (SBS, 2008) cameo
* Unstoppable Marriage (KBS2, 2008) cameo on Ep.62
* Kkangsooni (EBS, 2005)
* Neh Sontob Kkeuteh Bichi Nama Issuh (EBS, 2004)
* Magic Kid Masuri (KBS2, 2002)
* Winter Child (2005)
* 2009 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award (You’re Beautiful)
Choi Jong Hun (FT Island)
Name: Choi JongHun
Korean Name : 최종훈
DOB: Mar, 07th 1990, Seoul
Bloodtype: A
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60kg
School: 신동신정보산업고등학교 2학년 (ShinDongShinJung BoSan School 2nd Year)
Hobby: Making Music, Internet
Family: Parents, JongHun
Talents: Piano
Nickname: SexyJonghun
Best Points: Nose
Position in band: Leader!
What I like: Food & music
Motto: Think & always do something (or move forward) *I’m not sure at all, sorry!
For my future love: “I’ll buy something for you, may I? What do you want? ^^;”

Jo Sungmo
Jo Sung Mo (조성모, 曺誠模), born on February 28, 1977, is a South Korean singer who mainly focuses on ballads. He debuted in 1998 with a sad, romantic ballad titled “To Heaven.” Jo is notable for his “million sellers”, as his first few albums were widely popular.
- Education: Kyonggi University
- Debut: To Heaven (1998)
- 1998 SBS 신인가수상
- 1999 KBS Music Awards 대상
- 1999 SBS 가요대전 대상
- 2000 SBS 가요대전 인기가수상
- 2000 KBS Music Awards Grand Prize
- 2000 Golden Disk Awards 대상
- 2000 KBS Music Awards 청소년부문 최우수상
- 2003 MBC Top 10 Music Festival 10대 가수
- 2005 제20회 Golden Disk Awards 본상
- 1 – To Heaven, 1998 (Sold Approximately 1,000,000 albums)
- 2 – For Your Soul, 1999 (Sold Approximately 2,100,000 albums)
- 2.5 – Classic, 2000 (Sold Approximately 1,600,000 albums)
- 3 – Let Me Love, 2000 (Sold Approximately 2,100,000 albums)
- Zoy Project 1st, 2001
- 4 – No More Love, 2001 (Sold Approximately 1,000,000 albums)
- 5 – 가인(歌人), 2003 (Sold Approximately 400,000 albums)
- 6 – My First, 2005 (Sold Approximately 150,000 albums)
- 6.5 – Classic 1+1 Grand Featuring, 2005 (Sold Approximately 50,000 albums)
- 7 – Second Half, 2009
- 7.5- Meet Brave, 2010 (65,000 copies sold on the day of release)
Jungmo (TRAX)
Kim Jung Mo is the guitarist of the great Korean rock band, TRAX.
Real Name: Kim Jung Mo (김정모)
Stage Name: X-Mas
Birthday: 1985.03.26
Height/Weight: 184cm/64kg
Blood type: 0
Career Discography
04 TRAX – PARADOX (1st Single KR)
04 TRAX – Scorpio (2nd Single KR; 1st Single JP)
05 TRAX – Rhapsody (2nd Single JP)
05 TRAX – Blaze Away (3rd Single Single JP)
06 TRAX – Chowoo (1st Album KR)
06 TRAX – Resolution (4th Single JP)
07 TRAX – Find the way (5th Single JP)
Mithra (Epic High)
Mithra Jin
rapping, vocals, songwriting, composing
Profile Mithra Jin
Name: Jin, Choi
Sleeping M: Producer / Lyricist / MC
* Mnet KM Music Festival Best Hip Hop Award
* Golden Disk Award Best Hip Hop Award
* KBS Artist of the Year
* SBS Best Hip Hop Award
* Mnet KM Music Festival Album of the Year, Best Hip Hop Award
* Golden Disk Awards Artist of the Year
* KBS Artist of the Year
* Mnet KM Music Festival Album of the Year, Best Lyricist Award
* Seoul Music Awards Album of the Year, Artist of the Year
* Korea Music Awards Hip Hop Album of the Year, Viewer’s Choice Award
* Digital Music Award Best Album Award
Yesung (Super Junior)
Real Name: Kim, Jong Woon
Screen Name: Ye Sung
Date of Birth: August 24, 1984
Hometown: Cheonan, South Korea
Voice Type: Baritone
Kim Jong Woon, born on August 24, 1984, better known by his stage name Ye Sung, is a former DJ, occasional actor, singer, and a member of Korean boy band Super Junior.
In 1999, Ye Sung made his first television appearance in a local music event. Two years later in 2001, he auditioned in the Starlight Casting System and scraped through the contests with his “artistic voice”. He was then recruited as a trainee under the talent agency SM Entertainment.

Ini nih beberapa foto” mereka^^
ini waktu Heechul ultah
foto diatas waktu ultahnya Honggi

foto diatas, anggota Chocoball memakai tutup sama, dan pose yang berbeda ditampilkan untuk memamerkan individualitas mereka. Secara khusus, Kim Heechul itu dalam pose seksi sementara Jang Geunsuk memasang wajah pemberontak dengan tanda V.
foto diatas, waktu diacara 100 Points Out of 100, diacara ini juga Heechul menyatakan kalau Hongki lagi naksir seseorang,, duh jadi penasaran u_u’. diacara ini Chocoball tampil gila-gilaan didepan artis lainnya.

credit : islandshinee
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